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About Me


If you aren't grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more.

Ivanna was born on December 15, 2004. She was born in San Diego, CA, she grew up in Tijuana B.C until she was 11, she moved to San Diego. She's in 10th grade, she's the youngest of one sister. She speak English and Spanish her favorite color is black but she likes every color it doesn't matter. Her favorite food is Tacos de Carne Asada. She likes to hear music a lot, she likes Hip Hop and Reggaeton. Her favorite artists are Bad Bunny,etc. She doesn't have any hobbies, when she have free time she goes shopping. She's not sure what are her plans after High School, but if she have to choose a college  probably will be Southwestern College, because her cousin have recommended her. If she can have any superpower probably would be invisible, because people cannot see you and she thinks it's really cool. If  she was a street sign, she will probably be a U turn sign, because her mom always tell her that if you make a mistake in life you always can go back and fixed it.

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